Ava Gardner Movies: 55 Days to Peking

Have you ever seen that movie, Under the Tuscan Sun where Diane Lane goes dancing around in water fountains?

I have always fantasized about being that kinda girl.

I am in the middle of reading classic actress Ava Gardner’s biography, Love is Nothing, which I highly recommend. Out of all the screen sirens, none seem like real-life tigers the way that Ava did. Indeed her real-life seems to outdo her screen life, which is saying something!

My favorite scene in I Love Lucy is when they are at the Brown Derby and "She may be people but she isn't like you and me!"

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Classic Actress Ava Gardner, the Toreador?

Classic movie actor Charlton Heston wrote in his biography that during the filming of 55 Days to Peking, Ava was a bit of a tyrant. By the time filming was completed, everyone was ready to say fond farewells to this hurricane of a woman. But at a dinner several months later, with the strains of working together shed, he said it was the worst behavior he had ever seen by a professional colleague. 

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But my favorite part is his farewell image of Ava. 

"Exiting the party just behind her, he caught a last, exemplary glimpse of his costar in the Madrid street, beautiful and alone standing in traffic, looking for a taxi, she had taken up the pose of a matador and was making vernica passes with her red evening cape as the cars rushed by. 'It was unforgettable, wrote Heston. 'My most vivid memory of that extraordinary lady.'"

A dark-haired siren waving her cape around like the toreadors she so loved and dated in Spain. Now that is a beautiful image, and something we should all channel. 

more golden era of hollywood inspiration -- right this way!